"L'Espérance" - BAD PIGEONS
"L'Espérance" par BAD PIGEONS
(featuring "Serge Faubert": Sitar Intro)
Starring: Amrutha Naresh Rao, Shivan Kataria
Director/Réalisateur: Ganesh Gopalan
Choregraphy: Chand Pasha
Assistant Cameraman: Neelina BS, Jaikumar Guruswamy
Dancers: D.Hanushree, Veena, Ashwitha N., Sushmitha N.
Additional Plans: Anil B.
Background sound: Bettadasanapura
Director of Photography: Satish Rajendran
Editor/Montage: Frédéric Lafond Communication
Production: Mitch Falcon - Boom Records
Distribution: InOuie distribution, Believe Digital
Agent Artistique International : Manuela Alburquerque
"Exclusivité" Artiste Mitch Falcon Bad Pigeons
Location Courtesy:
Shree Kote Thimmaraya Temple
Bettadasanapura Bangalore
Juice Maker - Electronic City Bangalore
Residence of Mrs Padma Gopalan
BAD PIGEONS "L'Espérance"
featuring "Serge Faubert": Sitar Intro
- Basse/Bass: Jick Morgan
- Batterie/Drums: Jérémy Ducret*
- Guitares/chants/Orgue: Mitch Falcon
*sur le single et l'album: Noêl Laguniak
Auteur, author, titre original de: Emmanuel Tugny
Traduction: Raquel Tesi (SP), Mitch Falcon (FR/EN/PT/RUSSIAN)
Arrangements: Mitch Falcon
Arrangements groupe: BAD PIGEONS
Mixage (Mix) et mastering: Alexandre Thau
Recording: Fabien Marie
Infographie: Frédéric Lafond (Frédéric Lafond Communication)
Direction Artistique: Emmanuel Tugny
BAD PIGEONS est fier de vous présenter le 3ème single/clip "L'Espérance".
Extrait du 3eme album "Pas un poème", sortie fin d'année 2020.
Il s'agit ici de la reprise du titre original "L'Espérance" de Emmanuel Tugny, auteur et directeur artistique de ce 3eme album du groupe BAD PIGEONS.
Tourné en Inde par l'équipe du réalisateur indien "Ganesh Gopalan" et mettant en scène un couple indien, joué par la danseuse et actrice "Amrutha Naresh Rao" et l'acteur "Shivan Kataria", qui pratique le rituel de l'espérance dans le temple "Shree Kote Thimmaraya" à "Bettadasanaoura Bangalore".
BAD PIGEONS is proud to present the 3rd single / clip "L'Esperance" (the hope). Extract from the 3rd album "Pas un poème (not a poem)", released at the end of 2020. This is the cover of the original title "L'Espérance" by French artist & writer "Emmanuel Tugny", author and artistic director of this 3rd album by the group BAD PIGEONS.
Shot in India by the team of Indian director "Ganesh Gopalan" and featuring an Indian couple, played by dancer and actress "Amrutha Naresh Rao" and actor "Shivan Kataria", who practices the ritual of hope in the temple "Shree Kote Thimmaraya" at "Bettadasanaoura Bangalore".
BAD PIGEONS se enorgullece de presentar el tercer single / clip "L'Esperance" (Esperanza). Extracto del 3ro álbum "Pas un poème", editado a finales de 2020. Esta es la portada del título original "L'Espérance" de Emmanuel Tugny, autor y director artístico de este 3ro álbum del grupo BAD PIGEONS.
Filmada en India por el equipo del director indio "Ganesh Gopalan" y con una pareja india, interpretada por la bailarina y actriz "Amrutha Naresh Rao" y el actor "Shivan Kataria", que practica el ritual de la esperanza. en el templo "Shree Kote Thimmaraya" en "Bettadasanaoura Bangalore".
BAD PIGEONS tem o orgulho de apresentar o terceiro single / clipe "L'Esperance". Extrato do 3º álbum "Pas un poème", lançado no final de 2020. Esta é a capa do título original "L'Espérance" de Emmanuel Tugny, autor e diretor artístico deste 1º álbum do grupo BAD PIGEONS.
Filmado na Índia pela equipe do diretor indiano "Ganesh Gopalan" e estrelado por um casal indiano, interpretado pela dançarina e atriz "Amrutha Naresh Rao" e o ator "Shivan Kataria", que pratica o ritual da esperança no templo "Shree Kote Thimmaraya" em "Bettadasanaoura Bangalore".
BAD PIGEONS с гордостью представляет третий сингл / клип "L'Esperance".
Отрывок из 1-го альбома "Pas un poème", выпущенного в конце 2020 года. Это обложка оригинального названия "L'Espérance" Эммануэля Туньи, автора и художественного руководителя этого первого альбома группы BAD PIGEONS.
Снято в Индии группой индийского режиссера «Ганеша Гопалана» с участием индийской пары в исполнении танцовщицы и актрисы «Амрута Нареш Рао» и актера «Шиван Катария», практикующего ритуал надежды. в храме «Шри Котэ Тиммарайя» в «Беттадасанаура Бангалор».
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